The Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince game is the sixth installment in the popular Harry Potter series. The title is based on the latest Harry Potter movie that is due to release mid July this year baring the same name. The latest release from EA is categorized in the third person action-adventure genre. The game is compatible with different console such as PS3, PS2, PSP, PC, Wii, DS and Xbox 360.
Indian gamers and fans of the boy wizard would not be disappointed. The much-anticipated title includes both single player and multiplayer modes. Players can take on the role of any three of the main characters namely Harry, Ron or Hermoine. They must go on a mystical adventure to unravel the identity of the Half-Blood Prince. Gamers will even be able to explore and cast spells around the famous school of wizardry and witchcraft known as Hogwarts. Players can look forward to loads of potion making and wizard duels in the game.
The PS2 and PC version of the game will cost Rs.999. For the Wii and Xbox 360, the title will be priced at Rs.1999 each. The PSP and PS3 version will be available for Rs.1599 and Rs.2499 respectively.
The game will be distributed in India through Milestone Interactive Private Limited. Muggles can acquire the Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince game at major retail stores.
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